How to Access Compassionate Trauma Therapy in Winston Salem
Written by Taylor Miller, LCMHC
If you are searching for trauma therapy Winston Salem to help you recover from your past, look no further.
Trauma affects all of us. More people are taking hard looks at their childhoods, past relationships, and experiences and realizing that they have endured upsetting or distressing events. And “trauma” has become quite the buzzword in our society as more and more content on social-media emphasizes trauma recovery. There is so much information on trauma out there, its easy to get lost in the weeds.
At a glance
This article will cover:
How to find a trauma therapist near you
How to determine if a potential therapist is trauma-informed
How to know if a trauma therapist is the right fit for you
How to access compassionate trauma therapy
There are several ways to find a therapist near you who treats trauma or who is trauma-informed. A client can use an online search engine like Psychology Today or Therapy Den and search “Trauma Therapist”. A google search of “trauma therapist near me” will also yield results. If seeking in-person services, a potential client can also call practices in his/her/their area and ask which providers specialize in trauma-informed care. I also recommend asking for professionals who do EMDR therapy, as this is an evidence based and proven method for clearing traumatic material. For more information on EMDR therapy, click here.
Regardless of what avenues you seek trauma informed counseling, its so important to vet potential providers. The following sections will cover what to consider when determining the best trauma counselor who will fit your needs.
How to Determine if a Therapist is Trauma-Informed
There are so many therapists out there who claim to specialize in trauma, but also advertise treating OCD, Bipolar Disorder, BPD, couples counseling, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, addictions, etc. In my opinion, a trauma therapist will clearly state on their bio or website that they understand how trauma manifests in individuals. A good trauma therapist understands trauma as the underpinnings of many symptoms, but also recognizes that clients are not branded for life by their negative past experiences.
Look for a provider who uses modalities such as EMDR, Trauma Focused CBT, Ego State therapy, Internal Family Systems, and Mindfulness. Therapists who understand how to help clients connect safely to their body sensations are most equipped to treat trauma and trauma related disorders.
Here are some questions to ask a potential provider:
What modalities do you use to treat trauma and trauma related disorders?
How do you offer your clients opportunities to make their own choices?
What is your experience working with trauma and dissociation?
How to Know if Trauma Therapy is the Right Fit
Here are some questions to ask yourself during an initial appointment with a potential trauma therapist:
Do you feel like this therapist could understand you?
How does your nervous system respond to this particular person? Do they help you feel relatively at ease in your body?
Does the therapist give you choices? (For example, do they tell you to close your eyes during a mindfulness exercise or do they invite you to choose whether to close your eyes?)
What does their office look like? Do you feel comfortable there? Is the client’s chair closest to the door? Are there objects that you could use to practice grounding skills?
Does the therapist treat you like an equal or do you sense an unequal power dynamic?
In short, its important to find a provider who you feel can truly understand you, who gives you choices, and who helps you feel safer in your own body.
Trauma therapy at Nourished and Known, PLLC is a specialized form of mental health counseling focused on healing from past traumatic experiences. Our therapists are trained to provide a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their trauma, process difficult emotions, and develop healthy coping strategies. Through evidence-based techniques such as EMDR, Mindfulness, and Ego State Therapy, we help individuals regain a sense of control, enhance their sense of self, and ultimately move towards healing and recovery. Our trauma-informed approach ensures that clients are met with compassion, understanding, and empowerment as they navigate their healing journey.