therapist winston salem NC

Expert Therapists in Winston Salem serving all of NC

We are dedicated therapists in Winston Salem, fully committed to providing the support you need to begin your healing journey.

Many people don’t trust their bodies. Maybe that’s true for you too. You forgot how to feel safe in your body. Your body has carried the brunt of your hatred and blame for quite a while. You feel like no one would ever understand your shame. You use dangerous behaviors like dieting, substance use, purging, or even cutting to feel better. You’re worried that your rituals around food, self-harm, or substances may be getting out of control. We are a team of expert therapists Winston Salem who are here to help.

Through empathy, connection, and non-judgment, we can help you recognize that you first developed your problem as a way to cope. We will teach you how to feel safe and empowered while treating your body with gentle care. You will replace negative self-beliefs and behaviors and with brand new coping skills that help you safely connect to your body. You’ll learn how to manage your emotions in better, more constructive ways while healing from your past.

Many of our clients find that counseling has began to heal their relationship with their bodies and with food and substances. They can manage their emotions without resorting to dangerous behaviors. Most of all, our clients report that they now treat themselves with respect. They have finally made peace with themselves.

The Nourished Approach

You deserve to be informed prior to beginning counseling. The information below will help you determine whether working with our team of counselors in Winston Salem is the right fit for you.

How can talk therapy benefit me?

Talk therapy with a licensed professional can be a fantastic opportunity to practice self-care. It is your designated time for you — to process through stressful events, heal from past wounds, and connect with another person. We all live with shame that eats away at us. Brene Brown, speaker, researcher, and social worker, says that shame cannot survive sharing it with another human and being met with empathy. That is the beauty of counseling — the opportunity to share whatever it is you need to share and be met with total non-judgment, empathy, and compassion.

What is the commitment?

Counseling requires a time commitment on your part. Most people meet with us on a weekly or biweekly basis for hour-long sessions. We often ask my clients to complete assignments or practice coping skills outside of session. Healing from trauma requires practicing emotional regulation and grounding skills throughout the week. We teach clients how to do these techniques and explain their benefits during our initial sessions. Eating disorder counseling is most effective when received in tandem with other areas of healthcare; therefore, we often ask clients to meet with a dietitian and a medical professional in addition to our therapy. We have great relationships with other eating disorder professionals in Winston-Salem and would be happy to connect you.

There is also a financial commitment to counseling. Payments are due at the end of each session and your credit/debit card information will be kept on file to make future visits more convenient. We ask clients to notify us of any cancellations prior to 24-hours, otherwise, a cancellation fee will be applied.

What should I expect from counseling?

You can expect to be treated with dignity and respect and to have your various identities honored, including size, shape, color, religion, sexuality, and gender. We are committed to continued learning about different identities and providing inclusive care to everyone who meets with us. You can also expect to be in charge. You are the only one who knows what is right for you. Trauma robs people of power and connection; therefore, to heal from trauma you must regain your autonomy. During counseling with us, you always have choices.

Free Guided Meditations

Services offered by your Winston Salem therapists

Individual Therapy

Group Therapy